Hi I downloaded JA Atoms with Quick Start.

I have installed Eshop and created a filter and when I select a category option the filter does not seem to work ie: it keeps displaying all items from all categories and and not products from the category selected.

I have used the same filter options from the existing filter created with the the quick start files but chose eshop not virtuemart.

Is there a setting I am missing?

    jacquievc Hi

    I just created a new menu item to show the filter with EShop but it worked: /index.php/filter-eshop

    Could you check?

    Hello thankyou, I can see that your menu item is working.
    Hopefully I can replicate what I want without breaking your menu item!

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      I added this custom CSS so it displays better now:

      .ja-megafilter-wrap .cols-3 .product-item {
          max-width: unset !important;

      JA Atoms offers Virtuemart integration only, it doesn't have custom style for filtering EShop. If you want it displays the same as Eshop page, you have to customize it.

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