saguaros Apparently the above css code alone didn't fix the issue, as the offcanvas-menu (side blue bar) is now showing on every page while viewing on desktop (/large screens).
The goal is for every page (except the homepage) not to show the side blue bar and show the top menu instead (on large/medium screens). While on small screens, the top blue bar (+menu) will show up.
FYI, something very weird is happening with the custom.css file (/templates/ja_colab/css/). I recently added a lot more edits, but they're not being applied (*I cleared every possible cache). Upon further investigation I found a "Edit Custom CSS" function in the template settings (under "Tools"), and it's showing a difference Custom file (which just so happens to have your added code, but not mine). I'm confused, what's happening here? Can u check my custom.css file and confirm that it is indeed different than the one showing up in the template settings?