I am able to create new contacts, but my issue is that the existing Contact with ID = 1 is already linked into several places in the quickstart's demo content for Contact Us forms. There are two objectives - a) update the data in this record so it displays correct information on the frontend form modules, and b) simply eliminate the error so the person I pass this site to does not freak out that what should be a pure Joomla core is causing 403 errors in both Com-Contacts administrator and the T4 Template previewer.
I have NOT edited ANY default.php files. I saw in another thread that your answer involved updating someone else's default.php but that file was not viewable.
Joomla dashboard is also reporting 10 template overrides are outdated and need to be reviewed. Perhaps this issue is among the outdated files. How do we get these files updated to current so my user is not concerned about this.
Login to /administrator
Navigate to Components => Contacts
Click on the contact created by JoomlArt and included in quickstart => 403
Edit Template Style "Stokes Default" - Preview => 403