These text are translated via the language file of template, you can find the translation in English in this language file:
look for this:
TPL_STATICS = "Season Stats"
TPL_LISTING_INFO = "Player Info"
TPL_NUMBER = "Number"
TPL_POSITION = "Position"
TPL_BIRTHDAY = "Birthday"
TPL_NATIONALITY = "Nationality"
TPL_HEIGHT = "Height"
TPL_WEIGHT = "Weight"
TPL_SHOT = "Shots on target"
TPL_PLAYED = "Total Minutes Played"
TPL_GOAL = "Goal"
TPL_COUNTDOWN_TEXT = "This match is played in:"
To override these text, you go to Backend >> System >> Language overrides >> select Spanish language and add new translation for above language constants, for example:
About the date/time, you can open the file: root/templates/ja_sport/acm/live-matches/tmpl/style-2.php
Around line 70-78:
<li><span id="days">0</span>Days</li>
<li class="separator">:</li>
<li><span id="hours">0</span>Hrs</li>
<li class="separator">:</li>
<li><span id="minutes">0</span>Mins</li>
<li class="separator">:</li>
<li><span id="seconds">0</span>Secs</li>
and change the text as you wish.
Regarding to the date time on the right, it's declared in the same file but with PHP time code, you can tell me the format you want it should be, I will check for you.