Hi, I chose some site modules to be displayed next to mainbody on module position right in a sidebar. But only on some pages (even in the same joomla category) the modules are displayed right next to mainbody. On the other pages the modules on this position are displayed not right but below mainbody.
Examples without right sidebar https://www.wunsch-hund.de/hundenamen/hundenamen-weiblich-start https://www.wunsch-hund.de/hundenamen/763-hundenamen-suesse-kosenamen
Examples with right sidebar https://www.wunsch-hund.de/hundenamen/hundenamen-maennlich https://www.wunsch-hund.de/hundenamen/863-englische-hundenamen
How can that be changed? Regards, Wolfgang
Hi Wolfgang,
We added this custom css code:
@media (min-width: 1200px){ .t4-main-body .t4-row { flex-wrap: nowrap; } }
into this file of your site: /templates/ja_blockk/local/css/custom.css
Kindly check.
Yes, thank you, that seems to fit!