I just installed Joomla 4 version of JA Company. I was about to do my CSS customizations. So I was surprised to find that there is nn custom.css file present in the default template installation. I looked for it in CSS/themes. Nothing, unless I'm missing something. I read some documentation seeming to show where I can find it. But later in the documentation it indicates I may have to add one manually. But the documentation did not indicate how. I may need to create more than one. We're going to be using two themes for different parts of the site. They will be tweaked a little differently. It has been many years since I last had to do something like this. I was wondering if you could share a tutorial or even log into the site to make it work. This is a redevelopment/migration project starting from scratch with just the template installed so far. I am a competent coder but those skills are a little rusty from disuse. We don't want to mess with LESS/Bootstrap because that's a hassle. Far more convenient to use custom.css. Thank you to anyone who can help with this. I haven't rigged up FTP access at SiteGround but certainly could.
The documentation appears to suggest that I just have to create a new file called custom.css for each theme in the css root folder. But that's sounds too simple and I have had experiences in the past where it did not work.
-Jim Gribble