Perhaps I can make such an attempt.
Default Joomla 4 template is Cassiopeia? It seems to be an adaptive template, so there is a chance to recreate the situation.
But it's very difficult, because I can't use a working site, since Google Search examines sites very slowly (rarely), and sites as relative little visited as mine are even rarer. The property check can take several weeks.
Therefore, I have to create an analog of my site with default Joomla template on the server, create a property for it in Google Search, and run the check.
Of course, with other templates (Cassiopeia), a new site without special settings will look terrible - and I have to open access to it so that Google Search can examine it. It's also unpleasant that the "bad" version of the site, which people will get to through search engines, will spoil the reputation of my main site.
To be honest, I'm not sure that the issue is worth such work and losses.
Thank you, but I'm withdrawing this question.