Hi I have download and istall today
gk game template starter pack downloaded 03/04/2023 for joomla 4 on server hosting php 8.2

After install all pages they seem to have a problem with the "preloader", hangs, does not load the page.

Any idea about the problem?
Thank you in advance


If modules

Image Show
Coming soon
New Trailers

disabled home page shows well...but how can the problem be solved?

Hi Panos,

I replied you in ticket, at this moment, pls try to use PHP 8.0 or 8.1 and see how it goes.

Our template is not tested with PHP 8.2 yet, our team is working on this update 🙂

Thank you saguaros, i chacnge to php 8.1 and the problem solved.

Thank you.

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