GK-EvoNews template update breaks existing settings on homepage and elsewhere.
gk-evonews template update id defective
aldenbaker1 Hi
You should clarify the issue in more details so we can help:
- Joomla version
- PHP version
- What is previous version of template that you used
- Screenshots of the error
Hi! I have the same problem. Today I updated EvoNews from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 My Homepage broke down. All sidebar left modules appear on the top of the page. There is no sidebar left position anymore.
Joomla is 3.10.11
PHP is: 7.4.7
Previous template version 2.0.1
I attached secrrenshot of the error:. Sidebar left modules (Olvasnivaló and a banner module) are on the top instead of left side.
The error clearly occurred after the template was updated.
I left sidebar-left modules active so you can check the error at limonademagazin.com
Thank you!
gallowsbird Is your site online? You can share the URL + super admin account so I can check for you.
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Had the same problem a couple of weeks ago. Template layout completely broke after update. The issue then was attributed to using php8.1 ....Now I see that the issue also occurs on earlier versions of php.
Is there a timeline, when this issue will be fixed?
Is it safe to upgrade to GK EvoNews 2.0.2.
Last time I tried the modul positions went crazy, so I had to restore 2.0.1.
Our website is www.report.at
Thanks for your feedback
It looks like you've not updated the framework file, pls backup this file:
and replace with this attached file (unzip first)
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i exchanged the helper.layout.php, updated the template to 2.02 and it chrashe the layout again
I need urgent assistance
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Problem solved. I updated the helper.layout.php on 2.0.1, then updated the template.
Because I somehow automatically assumed that the template update is funktional.
It is the other way round. First update, then replace helper.layout.php.
All good now.
Thanks alot