
I am looking to change the color of article titles on this category blog list page as well as
bold the titles. Is it possible to separate the two looks, category list vs article titles on the rest of the site?

https://www.gala-company.com/our-work - I have attached a screen shot as well.

    webcentric Hi

    You can try this custom css code:

    .category-list table.com-content-category__table.category a {
        color: #000000;

    and change to your desired color.

      webcentric Hi

      You had wrong syntax code line 75-77 so it affects it. I moved above code to the beginning of custom.css file and you can see the change now.

      Kindly check.


        Thank you. Can I bold these titles? or make the font larger?

        I don't recall changing lines 75-77? Maybe it was an error or typo.

        Thank again!


          You can set font-weight for it:

          .category-list table.com-content-category__table.category a {
              color: #000000;
              font-weight: 900;

          However, you're using font family: 'Stint Ultra Expanded',Helvetica,Arial,Sans-Serif !important so it doesn't look so bold in this case.

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