
I have done edits / changed on these many times, however this time it seems to be eluding me on how to make these work, unless they have changed. I am in the process of building this site and want to swap out these icons.

This is the code for the first box;

<div class="top_boxes">
<div class="top_box">
<div class="top_box_inner"><i class="ion-ios-cloud-download-outline"></i>
<h3>Events - Weddings, Picnics &amp; Retreats</h3>
<div class="top_box_text">&nbsp;We offer a wide variety of tents and services geared towards special events.</div>
<a href="index.php/features-mainmenu-47/template-specific-features" class="readon">Learn More</a>

I am trying to change this <i class="ion-ios-cloud-download-outline"></i> to a calendar "ion-calendar"

I have tried the sites recommended by the templates http://www.shape5.com/demo/images/general/ionicons/cheatsheet.html and https://ionic.io/ionicons but neither seem to have the same "ion-ios" that is in the code. I have tried mashing them together, apart, completely replacing them etc, to no avail.

Thank you for looking in to this.

    webcentric Hi

    Before changing this icon tag, you can try to disable the default editor on your site in Global Configuration >> Default editor >> set to 'None' and edit again.

    if it still doesn't work, you can share the super admin account and name of module, I will check for you.


      Thank you that worked. What is the reason for turning off the editor? Is that a planned part of the process? or just a bug?

      Thanks again! I appreciate it!

        webcentric The default editor often strips out some HTML tags so it caused that issue 🙂

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