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Joomla 5.2.3 Compatibility for JA Templates, Bug Fixes, and More

Hi all,
My attempt to go from J3 to J4 has gone horribly wrong.
I made sure all tests/updates were made before the change and all looked good.
Unfortunately it seems something to do with T3 has crashed everything.

I originally got this message:
Warning: Use of undefined constant T3_ACTIVE_TEMPLATE - assumed 'T3_ACTIVE_TEMPLATE' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/treefrui/public_html/plugins/system/jat3/jat3/core/common.php on line 70
Error ClassNotFoundError
Attempted to load class "T3Path" from the global namespace.
Did you forget a "use" statement?

Joomla docs said to find the extension causing the issue in the #_extensions database and set enable to '0'.
I did that for JA T3 Framework and for ja-T3-blank

Now there is another issue:
Unknown column 'm.publish_up' in 'where clause'

I went back to the database and re-enabled the T3 Framework and ja-T3-blank but this error remains.
I'm out of my depth here.
Desperately need help to get the site back up.
Hope you can help.

Thanks. Nick

Hi Nick,

JA T3v2 framework is pretty old now and it's not updated to Joomla 4, only recent versions: T3 framework and T4 framework are ready for Joomla 4.

You should consider to move to a new template built with T3 or T4 framework.


Front end hasn't changed (site still not working)
I renamed the jat3.php and this has allowed me to login to the backend.
A basic list of the menu items is presented that runs down the page. Limited extension functionality.
Obviously still needs a big fix, but all is not lost.

Any suggestions now that I managed to get into the admin?


Thanks, the site uses Blockk and T4.
T3 was left there when testing some years ago, and not removed. It has now created this problem when moving to J4 - that's why I posted in this forum.
T3 was not flagged as an issue for the move to J4.

I am able to log in but the J4 admin template is not working properly. Any suggestions how to reload the J4 admin template in the hope that it starts working properly?

The biggest issue is the fact that the site no longer works, see here:
Does the error reporting help at all to fix the issue?

Hi Nick,

Your site is running now, did you get it solved?

Hi saguaros,
Thanks for following up. Yes, after renaming the 'jat3.php' file I was able to log in.
From there I was able to find an option to reload the core J4 files (a Joomla update option) which to my immense relief fixed the issue.
A lot of time wasted fixing this, an now finetuning extensions etc for J4. What a pain.
I'm not looking forward to implemening php8 on the site. I'm sure that will also break things.

    NickMo1 You should check through the extension list on your site and unpublish / remove unused extensions first and make sure that 3rd party extensions on your site are ready for PHP 8. With JA Blockk template + T4 framework, it's ready for PHP 8 already.

    P/s: you can use PHP 8.0 or PHP 8.1 as lots of extensions are not ready for PHP 8.2.

    a year later


    Thanks a lot for sharing. This was a lifesaver.

    To summarize:
    error reporting and debug was changed in config file manually.

    i) rename that jat3.php (then I manually upgraded again to J4 and unzipped in folder, not sure if it was needed)
    ii) got the same message but got an option at the bottom to go to admin
    iii) all was haywire, but if I just looked at menu on left, I could re-install Joomla 4

    All resolved. this saved me so much time.

    If anything else pops up, I will share, as those jat3 folders is still in my website files.

    For now just renamed: /plugins/system/_jat3 and will later delete and clean database tables.

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