I'm using JA Simpli and I'm happy with it.
I recently installed the plugin " Akeeba Engage comment".

Unfortunately, the comments are not displayed.
I changed the template to Cassopia, and it works fine.

Can something be done ?

EDIT : I looked at the code with Chrome developing tool, and saw that this part of the plugin uses schema.org schemas.


    egloffpa HI

    I've not used this comment before, could you share the URL of that page and the super admin account of your site so I can check for you?

      Thanks for the answer.
      Meanwhile, I've disabled this plugin. I am overwhelmed with Spams !
      The plugin has a checking via Askimet Spam protection and correctly detects them as Spam, but doesn't delete them by its own.

      Do you know of a free comment plugin that works with JA-Simpli and has a good Spam protection ?

      Let me see if I keep this Akeeba Engage plugin before I send you the login infos.


      We don't provide this kind of extension. You can search for one in JED

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