When you enable link for author, it will link with author's name there, if you want to customize, you can edit this file:
saguaros Hello. What specifically needs to be changed to display a name instead of a login?
Also, for each section the author and page were displayed the same, is this duplicate content?
More than 100 different pages with the author
For some reason, when created the page all the authors. The duplicates remain. Also, for some reason, the names of the articles disappeared.
Menu item settings all authors:
Material settings:
mark256 You can share me the URL of that page and super admin account so I can check for you.
saguaros Added information
Hi mark256 Thank you for providing the access. I checked and saw that, the article title is not displayed because you have disabled the article title in the article setting. Please open the article edit page, in the Options tab, select to show article title.
Best regards.
Hello. The title is hidden for the material, as it uses when writing the title of the article H2.
Maybe you can make it pull up the title of the article with this option turned off?
Hi mark256
It is doable but will require customization, however, this is not included in our support scope.
Also, when you scroll through the pagination pages of a given author, the url is: ?gid[0]=2&gid[1]=8&start=64
mark256 when you scroll through the pagination pages of a given author, the url is: ?gid[0]=2&gid[1]=8&start=64
This suffix will appear when you use pagination in Author listing menu item page, if you want to change to other type of pagination, you can go to menu item settings >> Author settings >> Pagingation and change to another type as you wish: