I have a question about Ja Megafilter and docman. Can we filter on tags ? Because on screnshot we see that it is possible (https://www.joomlart.com/updates/joomla-extensions/ja-megafilter-for-joomla-now-supports-docman) but on the demo there is no tags. And Ja megafilter is it Joomla 4 compatible ?
Thank you
Yes, of course, you can filter by Tags of Docman, I just tested at my end and it still worked normally.
And yes, JA Megafilter is compatible with Joomla 4, pls check out the latest version of our component.
Ok great, i asked because it is not in the demo.
kweb The tags maybe not assigned to any docman item now so the Tags field not show in that filter list but I can confirm it works fine 🙂
ok thank you for the confirmation 🙂
kweb If you have any other question, just let us know 😉