I'm assuming zentools2 will never be updated and JB will disappear after Aug this year.
Can't help feeling you've missed a trick with JB regarding its designs and functionality.

Looking at other template companies' offerings I'm assuming the market isn't there to support template providers like there was several years ago (Joomla 4 updates / WordPress dominance can't help) - so I can understand partly why.


Zentools2 as you're well aware I love and it was my favourite extension for Joomla - so creative and packed with so much functionality. As part of the JB team for a while, it was something even then I would have paid for.

I used ZT2 on every site I built which is why I'm disappointed it will disappear along with all Anthony's designs (former owner and designer of JB). For what it's worth I think Zentools2 would have become a separate purchase e.g. like Widgekit.

I think personally JA Extension list needs a bit more and Zentools2 would fill that gap but that is just my 2 cents worth.

Widgekit is the closest I've seen to Zentools2's presentation and functionality but even now ZT2 beats it for flexibility.

Many amazing sites were built with Buildr and Zentools2 and I'm disappointed that people will have to move to a lesser option going forward.

Now I face the challenge of replacing Zentools 2 🙁


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