Hi there. I've installed the latest GuruPro in Joomla4 with Helix Joomshaper template. I need some best practices for uploading images and sizing for mobile. 1. It seems like when I use the WIDTH setting on images in the media library but it never changes. The default is 200px. Is it better to resize your images before you upload? 2. When I look at the course on the phone (iphone14) it doesn't look very professional. images do not seem to scale and video does not resize. 3. Is there any way to center images (other than putting everything in an html) Please advise any tips would be greatly appreciated.
alig8r Hi
Could you share the URL of that page so I can take a look?
Any URL?
saguaros [https://growbizskills.ca/courses/rider-friendly-training/guruprograms/3-rider-friendly-training/2-rider-friendly-customer-service-training-for-hotel-motel-staff](https://) and [https://growbizskills.ca/courses/rider-friendly-training/guruprograms/3-rider-friendly-training/2-rider-friendly-customer-service-training-for-hotel-motel-staff](https://) and [https://growbizskills.ca/courses/rider-friendly-training/guruprograms/3-rider-friendly-training/2-rider-friendly-customer-service-training-for-hotel-motel-staff](https://)
Basically every page that I've used add media image
Do you mean this image?
It looks fine at my end now
May I ask which mobile device you are viewing this on? I'm using an iphone 14 and I just took screen shots of the International Market lesson. See attached. You have to scroll over to the right to see the rest of the image. What is the optimal width and heigth? If you keep scrolling through the lessons you will see that every time I use a media template such as text on top and image on bottom, they do not scale responsively.
alig8r It looks like image when click the lesson, could you share the account so I can view?
Could you try adding this custom CSS code to template you're using?
@media (max-width: 576px){ #guru-component .uk-grid img { width: 100%; } }
saguaros added, that helped. HOWEVER `on the custom certificate I can't get the text to center. Please see attached screenshot.
alig8r Could you share that account so I can view that certificate?
alig8r Hi, You need to change HTML template of certificate a bit. I did that for you, kindly check. https://growbizskills.ca/administrator/index.php?option=com_guru&controller=guruPrograms&task=edit&cid[]=2
alig8r Hi, Let me check and feedback you soon.