Still no luck:
Could not instantiate mail function /
- Edited
Not sure of there is any block from your hosting as I tried to assign that contact page to Cassiopeia - default Joomla template to make a test but the same issue occurs.
Could you check with your hosting for further investigation on this?
webcentric Could you ask them to take a look? the email setup is under Global configuration >> Server tab
This the part where my frustration sets in. I did ask them, they won't go in to a site, I understand where the global configuration is and where the settings are. None of it is working. You're saying ask the host server, the host server is saying this is all we have.
I currently have 2 sites (maybe more) that are not producing Could not instantiate mail function warning and will not email from
the site.
Please advise what I should do next? I can give you access to the the host server account? My clients have been without a vital part of their website contact feature for over a week now.
webcentric Could I take a backup of your site and test in my local and see how it goes?
I made a test with reCaptcha disabled and the form worked.
Could you generate a new reCaptcha key and test again?
This may be a 2 part issue.
Your work seems to have been a fox, however, I also edited the email under global configuration > server with SMPT and that also seems to have done the trick. My guess was at appx the same time.
I am sure I will run across this on another website, so I will use your method and see if that works, if not, I will see if changing the email settings works. Thanks again.
webcentric Let me know if you need further help then.
Here's what I found. Under Global Config > Server I had to keep playing with the SMTP settings, use SSL/TLS security, authentication, username and password, change the port and the SMTP port.
In older versions, I rarely had to do this. Seems like it worked by default.
I just built a new site using a J4 template and I had to adjust all these settings as well.
webcentric Is that ok now?
I recommend to configure to use this SMTP mail mailer, with PHP mailer, the email often go to spam box