Thanks for the fast response manhta
I went ahead and simply hashed it out like this;
defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );
This seemed to work and now mycourses page is displaying properly..
The only thing is now one of our students just noticed that other url's within courses that would normally work no longer work.
For instance;**enroll**
when a user purchases and enrolls, this url doesn't work any longer, along with most of the courses that have the /enroll..
Is there a global change we can make to ensure these links all work?
For instance:
Before in the students (my-dashboard) page, we were able to show the students courses they purchased via PayPlans, which then setup an ACL group permissions for the paid student to view certain guru pages and it all worked perfectly.. However, now when student visits (my-dashboard) and clicks on the urls that used to work, then no longer.. Again they url's always had the end "enroll" as when they initially visited this page, they would automatically enroll based on that link and able to visit each time even afterwards....
I hope this setup isn't too confusing, hopefully there is a work around in order to get those links working again..
Thanks again.