Hi team, I wanted to ask if the "News show pro" plugin would work in WordPress version 6.2.2 with PHP version 8.1.19? If it works, where can I download it?
Hi vgutierrez2012, Currently, the plugin does not compatible with the latest version of WordPress and PHP. I have fixed some of the issues, you can download the following package to install in your site and let me know if you have any issues.
Hi Dominic, I added all the data from the web so that the News Show Pro plugin can be installed, I tried it but errors appear and the theme does not respond, only if I deactivate it works again, could you check it please?
Hi vgutierrez2012, I have fixed the plugin, you can check your site now.
Hi Dominik, I have one question about this plugin. Please tell me where I can find the code responsible for the text "what we do". I'm trying to figure it out, but I don't think I can.I'm pasting a screenshot to be sure.
Hi skowal, Could you let me know the position that you using this widget? the "what we do" is not included in the plugin.
Hi Dominic, the plugin is used in the "Intro" section of the WordPress template "creativity"
Hi skowal, I sent and notified to our technical team, we are checking this issue.
Hi skowal, You can open the themes/creativity/gavern/widgets.imageshow.php file and find the line 183.
Thank you very much