How can I achive to display the title of the "FROM OUR BLOG" (In the middle, big and with stripe on their sides ) just like the "NEW" of the Home Page.?

Also I want to change the format of the pictures of the "FROM OUR BLOG" 550x550px.
Thank you in advance.

    Hello dominic
    Here the picture about what I mean
    Also I want to change the format of the pictures of the "FROM OUR BLOG" to 550x550px.

    Thank you

      Hi super-mouse,
      I have updated the shortcode here: <h1 class='box-title bigtitle' text-align='center'><small>" after_title="</small></h1>

      [gknsp cache_time="0" title="Best Sellers" before_title="<h1 class='box-title bigtitle' text-align='center'><small>" after_title="</small></h1>" widget_css_suffix="separator overlay" offset="4" article_cols="3" article_rows="1" article_image_w="380" article_image_h="204" article_image_order="1" article_image_popup="off" article_title_order="2" article_info_state="off" article_block_padding="0 7px 64px 7px" image_block_padding="0 0 40px 0" article_text_len="6"]

        Hello dominic

        Thank you for your support.. One more thing. It is possible to change the display size of the picture?
        Right now the w=380 h=204 but I would like to have it w=550, h 550.

        Thank you

          Hi super-mouse,
          You can find this code in the shortcode and change the image size here:
          article_image_w="380" article_image_h="204"

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