I'am trying to create SCORM (test) lesson but it's not working fine.
In fact, no content is showing...
I'am using the Xerte Open source software to create SCORM Lessons,
I test the SCROM course zip file with => https://app.cloud.scorm.com/
the test was 100% validate succesfully.
Also I publish SCORM Lessons with Adobe Captivate / Ispring and always the same results !
Lessons are not showing...
Here is the page you can find many SCORM LEsson I try to test :
In the front end, you can use the following information
user : test
password TesT001
Could you please help
PS : I try another Open source tools to create SCORM Lessons, (https://exelearning.net/)
It work fine, but the Tools is not convivial and does not offer a lot of Option...
Thak you in advance.
Best regards