After upgrading Joomla from 3.10.12 DE to 4.3.3 DE, the display for JA Medicare options and the embedded module preview is no longer functioning. Joomla caches have
been cleared multiple times, and both the T3 Plugin version 3.1.3 and Template version 3.0.0 have been reinstalled multiple times, resulting in some minor improvement in the display. In a similar setup with JA Medicare / T3 from Joomla 3.10.12 to J4.3.3 DE, the options and previews are functional and working well.
On this problematic page, setting the error reporting level to maximum causes a complete site crash. Additionally, on the subpage 'All Shops A-Z', after selecting a shop entry, a router error 'Undefined constant "T3_TEMPLATE_PATH' occurs, preventing content from being displayed. For example: []
The standard template style is 'ja_medicare - NE Green'. Each time changes are saved there, the 'features-1.ini' file is overwritten empty, and the columns of the Spotlight modules shift.
What do you suggest?