cemsdb On mobile, scrolling is rather counter-intuitive. While the device is vertical, instead of easily scrolling up/down with one finger (as normal), users actually need to scroll with two fingers (which is altogether difficult). Oddly enough, if one switches the view/device to horizontal and then back to vertical, the one finger scrolling works. How does one get the vertical UIX to behave correctly from the very start (allowing one finger scrolling)?
I disabled the swipe on mobile so you can scroll with one finger.
Updated file: /acm/horizontal-projects/tmpl/style-1.php
if (window.innerWidth > 767) {
var swiper = new Swiper(".swiper-wrapper-<?php echo $module->id ;?>", {
slidesPerView: "auto",
direction: 'horizontal',
spaceBetween: 0,
freeMode: true,
mousewheel: true,
speed: 5400,
pagination: {
el: ".swiper-pagination",
type: "progressbar",
breakpoints: {
0: {
direction: 'verticle',
767: {
direction: 'horizontal',