citybuzzmag Could you share screenshot of how you want it should be?
I added a bit custom css:
.splide__slide { padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } .splide__slide img { border-radius: 5px; }
Kindly check.
Hey... if anyones checked-in... how do I change the image size to 1920 x 1080p
I like how the module is now but I want a new HEADER - SLIDER MODULE that shows 1920p x 1080p
This would give it the page a little me beauty ... and instead of the horizontal slider, a vertical slider #superDOPE #superMODERN
citybuzzmag It will require custom code and custom layout for it. It would take time, pls consider to hire a developer to get it done for you if you're not familiar with coding.
saguaros How about just the image size?
citybuzzmag Hi
It will depend on the space of each item, which size you wish for the image?
saguaros I was trying to get the trending video module to be the size of 1920 x 1080