Hello at Joomlart,
I have a challenge with T4 megamenu. I have 2-3 megamenus – in the Layout Builder, I can insert a section and choose "element megamenu" and add (params menutype="menu1" menutype="menu2" menutype="menu3") in 3 columns (auto) – I can add a new section with "element offcanvas-toggle and insert: params menutype="menu1" menutype="menu2" menutype="menu3" and it works fine.
But how do I transfer it into code in the "block" section, which is HTML-based, just like the default code header 1-4 that T4 comes with by default, so I can control where the elements are displayed? It would be a huge help.
What is the code for multiple megamenus, and what is the toggle code to include these menus in the offcanvas toggle, when using block section?
<div class="t4-navbar">
<jdoc:include type="element" name="megamenu" params="menu1,menu2"/>
<jdoc:include type="element" name="offcanvas-toggle" params="menu1,menu2" />