After upgrade to Joomla 4 (and 5), Simplicity theme does not support Popovers, Accordions and Modal widths anymore. The work nicely in Joomla 3, but it seems that the structure has changed and the styling does not apply anymore. All these three features work in Cassiopeia.
Examples can be seen on the linked (secured) sites, old and new.
Accordion issues can be seen on /index.php?option=com_shop&view=products&Itemid=181
In Joomla 4/5 everything is hidden.
Popover issue requires login.
Old site path: /index.php?option=com_shop&view=cartitem&layout=form&cartitem=0&product=2&Itemid=181
New site path: /index.php?option=com_shop&view=cartitem&layout=edit&cartitem=0&product=2&Itemid=181
Field "Syntymäaika" has a popover, and it works on J3 site but not on the new one.
Modal issue can be seen on the same page as the Popover issue. Link "leiriehdot" at the end of the form opens up a modal. Width cannot be adjusted in J4/5.
We hope these could be fixed.