It is shameful that you continue to charge full price for an expired DtRegister to customers who have faithfully used your add-on for years or that it is open for full price and purchase to new customers, and that you cannot specify a date when you have a upgrade. We paid for a whole year in 2022 and hoped that you would come with an upgrade that syncs with the latest CMS and php server, but there were no upgrades at all, so we paid for basically nothing. The fact that you do not have an upgrade that works with the transition to Joomla 4 and PHP 8 is something that should be extra clear before purchase or renewal, especially for those who intend to buy your add-on for the first time. It endangers security on several levels, you lack that clarity. We have now chosen a different booking add-on. A big cost for the customer and a big loss for you. No one wins in your way of handling this matter. Tragic and sad!