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Joomla 5.2.3 Compatibility for JA Templates, Bug Fixes, and More

I am creating a site from scratch with Joomla 4 - I am trying to install your S5 Forte for Joomla 4 template. As you know J4 very different and doesn't have the usual Extension/Install/ path. Every source I consult says I have to back up a Joomla 3 site to do this; well that doesn't work if you are created from scratch. Do you have any advise, instructions, or a detailed article explaining the process for install your creations?


    As stated above, I downloaded your "S5 Forte for Joomla 4" template. THe normal way was always to go to Extensions>Install then drag & drop or click the blue button to browse for it and install. However, Joomla 4.0 does not have the path (Extensions>Install). When I go to Systems>Extensions where you install and attempt to install the template, it gives the error message, "JInstaller: :Install: Can't find Joomla XML setup file. The Joomla package cannot be installed through the Extension Manager. Please use the Joomla! Update component to update Joomla." I look for updates and Joomla 4 says that all extensions are up-to-date. I find no instructions on the new install method for Joomla templates, admin nor site.

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