BINGO...that did it.
Thanks so much. My editor was delighted.
So for anyone else updating from a pre Joomla 4 and you wants an exact date on an article and only relative dates are showing up.
Here are the steps we took with the help of the JoomlArt team
**You can open file: /templates/ja_magz_ii/helper.php
Look for this function:**
public static function relTime($timespan, $granularity = 1) {
static $units = array(
'YEAR' => 31536000,
'MONTH' => 2592000,
'WEEK' => 604800,
'DAY' => 86400,
'HOUR' => 3600,
'MIN' => 60,
'SEC' => 1,
change it to:
public static function relTime($timespan, $granularity = 1) {
return Text::sprintf(JHtml::('date', $timespan, Text::('DATE_FORMAT_LC3')));
static $units = array(
'YEAR' => 31536000,
'MONTH' => 2592000,
'WEEK' => 604800,
'DAY' => 86400,
'HOUR' => 3600,
'MIN' => 60,
'SEC' => 1,
then change the DATE_FORMAT_LC3 date format to any other date format as you wish.
You can look at the beginning of file and add this line of code:
use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text;
underneath this line:
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
//our help file had the following defined('JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
//so the final looked like
// defined('JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
//use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text;