as the topic says, I cannot update to 1.1.5 version of T4 Blank Template.
In the download area I don't see 1.1.5 version to download and the update from Joomla! says:
Estrazione del file non riuscita: download.php_element_tpl_t4_blank_version_1.1.5_type_template_coreVersion_j31

Hi guys,

Our team released this new version 1.1.5, in case that you want to update, pls backup your site first and use JA Extension Manager component to update, not use the default Joomla update channel.


19 days later

ok, but not ok :-)
the standard way of upgrading and/or the download of the new files in the reserved area were simplier.

By the way, thank you for your answer.

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