When I try to upload files to repository, I get this error:
Cannot access protected property jaExtUploaderTemplate::$parent
When I try to upload files to repository, I get this error:
Cannot access protected property jaExtUploaderTemplate::$parent
Which Joomla version are you using?
Could you try to use JoomlArt Update service for now?
You can go to Services manager section in JA Extension manager >> set 'JoomlArt Updates' as default service >> login with your JoomlArt account there and then you can update.
Detailed explanation here: https://www.joomlart.com/update-steps
well here it works. I just checked by copying the posted login.
do you get any error message?
Still no luck, could you share your super admin account?
Your site is running with a bit old MySQL version so it had error when you click the Edit button in Service manager section.
I just installed the previous version 2.7.5 of JA Extension manager component for you, you can login with your JoomlArt account there.