When setting the display of the menu item title to (no), the menu title still appears in the navigation bar. Please check the attached screenshot.

I need to display only the icon without the menu title

    aliwari Hi

    Thanks for your report, I've shared with our T4 team for further checking on this.

    Will keep you posted.

      saguaros H,

      You're welcome! Looking forward to hearing from you after the T4 team's review.

      Have a good days!

      For now, T4 does not support option hide menu title. I would like to suggest you use custom css.

        5 days later

        manhta Hi,

        Thank you so much, it's working perfectly now. I'm just wondering if there's a way to hide the menu title on the Offcanvas menu as well. If so, your assistance would be greatly appreciated.


        You can try this:

        div.t4-offcanvas .t4-off-canvas-body .navbar .fa.nav-link span.menu-item-title { display: none; }
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