How can i change the color of this button to follow the primary link color (in my case its a dark blue), The mouseover can remain same black. What should I add in the custom.css
Chi-K On which page I can see this button?
Ive updated the fields for the link. However this color should not change when its in home page, because in home page there is a blue background .... unless we can add the partial blue background in this module too like in homepage
Chi-K To change the color of this action button, you can override with this custom css code: .features-item .action { background: #fff7f5 !important; color: #00427e !important; }
and change the background & color as you wish.
Is it possible though to have a different CSS for the module in use in article and the one used in the home page. Reason being if I changed the color to primary color blue, its ok in articles where the background is light as in
but in the home page the background is also blue becoming the following where the button is no longer visible
Chi-K You can add class of that view page such as:
.view-category .features-item .action { background: #00427e!important; color: #fff7f5!important; }
This worked thanks.