mark256 Hi
I'm not entirely sure of the issue here, you mean the URL in that form is not correct?
Did you experience the same issue with Cassiopeia template?
After clearing the cache the problem is resolved. After a while it repeats again, but on other pages.
Hello. I'm testing it now, I'll post the results soon.
I can’t test on Cassiopei, since all sections are tied to different templates, and such urls appear randomly on 1-5 pages. Tested with standard caching disabled. The problem disappeared...
mark256 I'm not sure what is the problem here so if it happens on a page, you can simply assign the menu item of that page to Cassiopeia template and see how it goes.
The fact is that out of 20,000 pages scanned, the problem appears from 1 to 5 pages randomly.
Hello. The problem is not the template, but most likely the standard caching.
mark256 I recommend you to post the same question into Joomla forum for further help on this 🙂
Already contacted, the problem is related to standard caching)