Hello, This webpage is not finish yet, but...
I cannot edit modules from the Front Page. Nothing happens when I click the edit icon.
I also have one module at the bottom of a sub page and there is no problem to edit that one.
Regards Tor
Can't edit modules on Frontpage
...I don't know if there is a connection, but I see that the back to top button is slightly different when I am logged in also.
norwegian69 Hi
I just tried to edit this module on frontend and it loaded fine:
Could you check again?
I worded it a bit poorly, the problem only applies to modules on the front
norwegian69 You can tell me the module name and screenshot highlighting it on frontend, I will check for you.
Hi, figured out the problem, it was in the template for the front page. I changed Layouts setting - Subpage layout
from inherit to default.
norwegian69 Glad to hear that!
saguaros locked the discussion.