How can we update (change) the preset text in the contact form fields?
1option Hi
You can change these text via the language file of template: /language/en-GB/en-GB.tpl_ja_podcast.ini
;Contact TPL_CONTACT_EMAIL_LABEL = "Mail" TPL_CONTACT_MESSAGE_LABEL = "How we can help?" TPL_CONTACT_SEND_LABEL = "Send your message" TPL_CONTACT_INFORMATION = "Have question?<br />Get in touch!" TPL_CONTACT_NAME_PLACEHOLDER = "Cameron Williamson" TPL_CONTACT_EMAIL_PLACEHOLDER = "" TPL_CONTACT_MESSAGE_SUBJECT_PLACEHOLDER = "Aliqua id fugiat nostrud irure ex duis" TPL_CONTACT_ENTER_MESSAGE_PLACEHOLDER = "Please type your message here ..."
saguaros Great, those overrides all worked, only one missing in the list was the Phone #- how do we change the default form field text for the Phone field?
1option It's custom fields of com_contact.
Go to Backend >> Components >> Contacts >> Fields >> filter by Mail and edit the Phone field there.
When editing this field, go to Options tab and you can change the placeholder text there as well.
Solved. Thank you.