Hi adwebcom1,
Go to the categories table and edit/update the first row as this:
INSERT INTO hfnim_categories (id, asset_id, parent_id, lft, rgt, level, path, extension, title, alias, note, description, published, checked_out, checked_out_time, access, params, metadesc, metakey, metadata, created_user_id, created_time, modified_user_id, modified_time, hits, language, version) VALUES (1, 0, 0, 0, 23, 0, '', 'system', 'ROOT', 'root', '', '', 1, NULL, NULL, 1, '{}', '', '', '{}', 42, '2020-09-25 10:29:02', 42, '2020-09-25 10:29:02', 0, '*', 1);