Can I ask for an answer to this query, or a link to the corresponding documentation?
I would need to work even more with displaying additional fields
I'm trying to create something like this, but the php explode function doesn't do anything for me
{@eq key=._class value="ct433"}
<?php $polei = "{.value|s}";?>
<?php $pole = explode(",",$polei); ?>
<?php var_dump($pole); ?>
<div class="kartus d-flex flex-column position-absolute end-0 top-0">
<?php foreach($pole as $polep):?>
<a href="<?php echo $this->item->imageXLarge; ?>">
<img src="/images/grafik/kartus/<?php echo ltrim($polep); ?>.png" alt="kartus" style="width: 30px; height:auto;" />
<?php endforeach ?>
Is there any way to solve this as well?