How do I replace the Homepage Header image with a full-width video, that autoplay's on a loop? Thanks
Hi farb, I'm checking and customizing on localhost. We will provide a solution as soon as possible.
Thank you.
Hi farb, You can download the following file and add the file to the \templates\gk_steakhouse\layouts folder.
Then go to the Backend > site templates styles > gk_steakhouse - Default > Basic settings tabs and select the default-video layout.
Thank you, it worked. Now, how do I change the video? Is it only from Youtube? Can I make it so the video is stored locally? Thanks
Hi farb, Yes, it's only from youtube. you can change the video id here: <div id="_youtube-iframe" data-youtubeurl="WrtzKFF5F0M"></div>
<div id="_youtube-iframe" data-youtubeurl="WrtzKFF5F0M"></div>
At the moment, you can not use the video stored locally.