I am working on recreating a current website with this template update.
Noticed that the quick start does not have guru pre-installed.
Is there any tips to getting the website to look exactly like the demo?

Although snooping around I did noticed in menu there is a guru category menu categories.

any tips or tricks to getting it like the demo with guru courses, etc?

Wait just saw something, should I have uploaded: Pro LMS Template - JA Sensei Quickstart instead of the regular JA Sensei Quickstart?

Whats the difference?

I guess I figured the other I uploaded was the most recent and should use as the date it showed for:
JA Sensei for Joomla 5 is 4 Mar 2024

While the other is:
Pro Template: JA Sensei for Joomla 5 is 15 Dec 2023

Perhaps, they are the same, except for GURU, as I noticed in the template changes.
This was the only file that was updated in March: /html/com_contact/contact/default_address.php

    mcity Hi

    If you're using latest version of JA Sensei template already, you can delete these records so it will send notifications for this overrides update again.

      saguaros No, this is a fresh website..
      Have to re-create our existing website (make a fresh clean copy) and was searching for the path of least resistance.
      Meaning using Joomlart JA QuickStart which will include Guru, similar to the demo.
      As the one I just downloaded did not have Guru, included.

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