pulsarinformatique I got your point, it's quite weird issue. Could you please Save the filter for now? I will share with our dev team on this.
Hi I'm not sure I understood you but I just relaunched the index all process and all the tags are gone again as I wrote you. It seemed on the forum this is a known issue from you. Can you please help us?
And again if I enter the filter and just save it again, the tags appear back on the corresponding page
I can confirm that issue when indexing the filter on your site, I can't replicate this issue at my dev site as it works properly so it seems happen on your site specific.
Our developer will check on this and I will keep you posted.
Ok thanks a lot , we are bit lost here
Hi Any news here please ? How can we help us ? thanks
I've forwarded to our dev for further checking but there is no news on this yet.
For now, please save the filter instead of indexing. It will also update the new content as indexing.
Hi Thanks but can you hurry your dev team please? thanks
Hi, still no update please?
Hi, pulsarinformatique
I have implemented the solution on your site and megafilter will export tag for both Index and Save. The file changed ROOT/plugins/jamegafilter/content/content.php. Additionally, the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate used by your website or server has expired now. You may need to contact the website owner or administrator to notify them of the issue and encourage them to renew their SSL certificate promptly.
Great news, thanks a lot !! Do you confirm that future release of the component / plugin will bring this fix please ? thanks
Hi, pulsarinformatique Yes, that's correct. The bug fix will be included in the next version of the megafilter content plugin. Just keeping you informed! Regards,