Hello, I need to use a dropdown menu in the sidebar position. I've read the Gk blank documentation, but I'm a bit confused. It doesn't appear how to do it for a menu in the sidebar
First of all, Thanks
carlosdel123 Hello, Were you able to solve this already?
Hello. Here I have an example of what the side menu I need looks like. https://www.envios.com.co/gavick/index.php/typo-2 It is assigned with the Cassiopeia template, in the advanced tab of the module I have selected "dropdown" ---From cassiopeia template--- in the "Layout" field.
With Gavick it does not work as a dropdown. The one I have selected in "Layout" Collapsible default menu"---From Module--- https://www.envios.com.co/gavick/index.php/typo How could I solve it?
I would appreciate your help, thank you
Hello, thank you. I was able to solve it using the plugin, qldropdown . However, I still have problems when using a simple menu in the sidebar. They are not displayed downwards, they appear together side by side.
carlosdel123 Hi
I will share with our GK team to update style for this menu module.
We released the new version for GK Framework and GK Blank template, you can download the latest package and install into your site: https://www.joomlart.com/member/downloads/gavick/free-joomla-templates/gk-framework
Remember to backup your site first.