Hi, I cannot figure out how to enable the "Edit" links for front-end article editing on the JA Morgan template. For instance Toolkit \ Vision \ Vision Statement (single article menu type) has no edit button, but when I change this to use the Cassiopeia template, it does. The link to the article from the bottom of the Toolkit \ Vision page does have an edit option.

Neither template appears to let me display and Edit button on the Toolkit \ Vision page itself, which is a Category Blog menu type - is it not possible to edit category descriptions from the front end?

    thepeakconsultancy HI

    It seems that after logging into frontend of your site, it requires the authentication so I can check.

    I just updated this file a bit: /templates/ja_morgan/html/com_content/article/default.php to move the article edit icon's position.

    Could you check?

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