I am currently working on customizing the Purity IV template on Joomla 5 for my website, and I'm interested in modifying the default font settings to utilize system fonts, similar to the Cassiopeia template's functionality. In Cassiopeia, it offers the option to choose from a variety of system font stacks, including but not limited to:
- Humanist: Seravek, 'Gill Sans Nova', Ubuntu, Calibri, 'DejaVu Sans', source-sans-pro, sans-serif
- Geometric: Avenir, 'Avenir Next LT Pro', Montserrat, Corbel, 'URW Gothic', source-sans-pro, sans-serif
- Classic: Optima, Candara, 'Noto Sans', source-sans-pro, sans-serif
- Monospace: ui-monospace, 'Cascadia Code', 'Source Code Pro', Menlo, Consolas, 'DejaVu Sans Mono', monospace
These options significantly contribute to the flexibility and aesthetic appeal of a website, allowing it to align more closely with the native look and feel of different operating systems and user preferences and reducing the page load time for people with a slow internet connection, especially in 3rd world countries.
However, after disabling Google Fonts and not opting for local custom fonts in Purity IV, the template defaults to using Times (which I believe is the browser's default serif font), which is not ideal for my project's design requirements.
My questions are:
- Are there any considerations or best practices I should be aware of when implementing system fonts in Purity IV, to ensure compatibility so my changes will not be overridden when I update the template?
- Can you please point me in the right direction as to where I should make this change?
Thank you in advance for your guidance and support.
Best regards,