I'm noticing anytime I use masthead position, when trying to select the "Tours" menu item I'm not able to scroll down correctly to menu items on bottom.
This is on desktop only. Any help is appreciated. This problem also occured on JA Landscape but same solution did not work.
Menu Glitch when using Masthead
Hi jcstauring,
You can create and add the following CSS code to the /templates/ja_morgan/css/custom.css file:
.t3-header.has-hero {
z-index: 21;
dominic this did not work for me.
Hi jcstauring,
I have tested on our localhost and the code is working well. Could you send me the htaccess account? I will access and help you resolve this issue now.
Or send me a screenshot of the custom.css file.
dominic I have added FTP fields to the post. Let me know if you can view if from there.
Hi jcstauring,
I have checked and see that the menu working well now.
dominic thanks for the help. This is only working for me properly on Safari- Windows 10, Google Chrome it continues with same issue.
Hi jcstauring,
I have checked on Google chrome and Firefox and the menu still looking good.
dominic Thank you for the support. Yes it is working.