javanerd I got your point, pls revert above changes. Then you will need to override the layout files in template so your change will not be lost when you update new version of JomSocial.
To override, you copy this file: /components/com_community/templates/jomsocial/layouts/ajax.showinvitation.php
paste into: /templates/your_default_template/html/com_community/layouts/
You may need to create this path if it doesn't exist now.
Then edit this file: /templates/your_default_template/html/com_community/layouts/ajax.showinvitation.php
+ comment or remove this code:
<?php if ($displayEmail) { ?>
<span><?php echo Text::_('COM_COMMUNITY_INVITE_BY_EMAIL_TIPS'); ?></span>
<input type="text" class="joms-input" name="emails">
<?php } ?>