Hi Were haven problems with the spanish translation, our site works just fine in english but as soon as we change it to spanish stops to work and gives all weir o codes with expecting tokens when we use the home symbol?! another cuestion is how can i make the community menu in spanish? the translation does not change it. Thanx
Problem solved. There are errors in the language file es-ES.com_community.ini In line 928 it should be something like: COM_COMMUNITY_FRONTPAGE_TITLE="Detalles de la cuenta para %1$s" That is containing just one parameter and in line 1174 something like: COM_COMMUNITY_ACCOUNT_DETAILS_FOR_WELCOME="Bienvenido a %1$s" again with just one parameter.
COM_COMMUNITY_FRONTPAGE_TITLE="Detalles de la cuenta para %1$s"
Glad to hear that you figured out the solution.
About the Menu, it's created manually under Menus in backend of your site, you need to clone Menus for each language.