Hi. Updated Jomsocial. Now the dashboard looks weird and I can't access tabs. Please advise. https://1drv.ms/v/s!ApCULpUUmrCAj5w2cDLV0gK4PNtF0Q?e=TtCKEY
thatotherchick Or you can share your site's credentials via Private reply, I will check directly for you.
I had a similar issue when I upgraded to 4.9.1 but it was fine after I cleared the cache. https://www.joomlart.com/forums/d/48749-491-dashboard-not-displaying-correctly
thatotherchick Must be something wrong from your web browser as I can access every tab at my side:
Try to clear browser's caches & cookies or try with Incognito window or another browser and see how it goes.