Thanks for your help with this - much appreciated
Cheers Rich
Hi Vangogh
Have you had any joy from the Twitter team with regards this issue
Thanks Rich
Are we getting anywhere with this ticket The villagerbus.co.uk is a charity that uses twitter to keep people updated so could do with it working asap
Any help would be awesome
perryworld Hi, If you're seeing this message on twitter module, that means you need to login twitter to be able to see the embeded timeline content.
This is a new limitation of twitter, we can't do anything to resolve this. To see see more information of this issue, please visit this link. https://devcommunity.x.com/t/again-list-widget-says-nothing-to-see-here-yet-if-logged-out/198782
The issue we are having is not that the twitter timeline is not being displayed - we don't get that message Our problem is that the feed works on laptops but doesn't work on smaller devices (iPhone)
Any ideas why?
perryworld Hi, I've conducted several tests on both iPhone and iPad and haven't encountered any issues. Could you please provide a screenshot of the problem and let me know which iOS version you're using? Regards
Thanks' for coming bac to me I have attached a screenshot as requested I'm on an iPhone IOS 12.5.7 but others have tried it with more up to date versions and have the same issues
Hi Rich,
I'm using iOS 17.4 version and it looks the same as above screenshot:
Yes, that's the issue Try it on a laptop and it works fine It fails on smaller devices
perryworld Above screenshot is from my iPhone 🙂
And it's the same as desktop view.
Hi Saguaros
I have attached the screenshot from my laptop You may need to clear the cache maybe.
perryworld Hi
It looks like that you view your site on mobile without HTTPS
Could you check again?
The laptop and iphone runs the same website and is https://villagerbus.co.uk Which indicates it may be apple related We don't have an android to try it on
Thanks for your continued help
It's from your screenshot:
'Not Secure' status here means that you're viewing your site with 'HTTP', not 'HTTPS' 🙂
Hi again
We don't see that message but when we check the URL it is definitely HTTPS:// Can you check the URL and change it to HTTPS:// if it is not set to that
Thanks again for your help
I meant that you can try to manually type your site in browser to access again or try with private mode of browser and see how it goes
Very strange !!!
I tried in private mode and we get "Nothing To See Here" message I cleared the cache and now in the browser (not private mode) we now get "Nothing To See Here" message On the phone - no change we see the placeholder but don't see the "Nothing To See Here" message
Thanks for the help
perryworld I tried with private mode of Safari and the same message shows there: